Below is the graph of Temperature Differences (in °C) versus year. Sorry the image is so fuzzy (the problems with uploading images in Blogger). You can view the graph in pdf format or its equivalent in the spreadsheet; see below. You see that the projected Temperature Difference in 2050 (the red dot on the right of the graph) is about 0.75 °C - the result of the regression analysis (the center of the vertical axis is 0, the other entries going up the scale from 0 are 0.5, 1, and 1.5).
If you're interested in the analysis, as an exercise in playing with Google Docs I've uploaded the spreadsheet in Google Docs format. The link to the Google Docs is HERE
The spreadsheet is also more-or-less available in Excel format, including the diagram above. The reason for "more-or-less" is that you probably won't be able to open the spreadsheet unless you're signed into your gmail account. This appears to be one of the quirks of Google Docs - maybe Google wants everybody in the world to have a gmail account ("Well, Duh"). The link to the Excel spreadsheet is HERE. In the Excel spreadsheet, the Chart is the diagram above.
Here's a work-around that someone found for the Excel format problem. The link to the spreadsheet is HERE. With luck, you should be able to download and then open this spreadsheet whether or not you are signed into a gmail account.
I've also uploaded the Chart sheet to Google Docs in pdf format. The pdf Chart also should open even if you're not signed in to your gmail account. The Chart is HERE
In any of the spreadsheets, the Results sheet is the result of the regression, and the USTemps09142010xls sheet is the data. Enjoy.